another one :)

Thursday, January 13, 2011
Good Old Days
I have been asked from my teacher to write on a topic" what would i see if i could look thousand years from now". I thought allot about it and finally get to to theme what exactly i have to write. Another beautiful morning with a great leader who changed the map of his country. 14th August 3010, Independence day of Islamic republic of Pakistan. Same Pakistan as i wanted to see. My Pakistan prosperous, corruption less and full of patriots, and the man behind the whole scene the president of Islamic Republic of Pakistan, Dr.A.Q.Khan. After the revolution of 9/11/2099 Dr.A.Q Khan brought the country again on the map of the world. As citizen of Pakistan i always wanted to see the Pakistan in the list of the most peaceful and developed countries in the world. No-more degradation, inflation, and after years of hard work 90% of the people are living above the poverty line. 
People live with each other without any class differences and religious problems. Basic rights are given to the minorities without any problem. The literacy rate ranges from 98.7. Our country has given equal right to women in getting education and the most important right that Islam has given to women is that the women can not get married without asking her will and consent.Urban side of Pakistani is not anymore backward, urban areas women are said to be called the super women they are not behind men in performing their responsibilities anymore.Now Our country is not classified into the 3rd World countries mainly due to the high literacy rate and decreasing rate of poverty. Kashmir issue was being solved before the revolution of 9/11. Kashmir is now a separate country have its own culture and norms.
Pakistan is classified now as a developed country with the sixth largest populated country of the world. Pakistan used to be a  very poor country at the time of freedom and dependent highly on its agricultural sector. Economy of Pakistan has been much fluctuated. It has faced many crisis and there was a time when it was seen as an economic development model around the world.
But no more fluctuation seen in its economy. Pakistan is now a complete developed country on its own without the help or aid of any other country. The Pakistan where i live is the Pakistan which was the aim of Qaid-e-Azam and the dream of Allama Iqbal.A peaceful and prosperous Pakistan.
“Pakistan not only means freedom and Independence but the Muslim Ideology which has to be preserved, which has come to us as a precious gift and treasure and which, we hope other will share with us” 


Saima Jawed Says:
January 29, 2011 at 11:29 PM

you did a great job..

Anonymous Says:
January 31, 2011 at 1:29 AM

Great facts thats all I will say if I were to appreciate the post "another one :)"..

You kinda have the facts and the figures, and not to skip, a hell of imagination. Some of the facts are still wrong like A.Q.Khan depicted as the man behind the Atomic revolution. You know from whom they bought it from.

Lets forget the facts for now, view your post again. Only this time being specific on the topic. You don't get me for sure. Well you should put the starting paragraph in such a way that it should point out that whats in the entire post. But , unfortunately I don't see a starting paragraph. The topic is vast and wide. You could have simplified it under Agriculture development,Industrial development, Social Attitudes, Democratic-Aristocratic-Bureaucratic system prevailing.

Edit your name please. It should be "Maryum Nida Siddiqui" and not "maryam nida siddiqui"..First impression is the last impression sister. Go fair with the name that is...

maryam Says:
February 1, 2011 at 8:54 AM

First sir my name spells as Maryam because thats the right one in my opinion ,my father spelled it like that i cant object on that obviously the name Maryam have several spelling i.e Marium, Mariam, Maryum and etc etc
Second thing is i know this writeup is not perfect this was my first ever writeup it have mistakes i agree but this is actually my way.
And last but not the least is that Dr.A.Q Khan the man behind the revolution not the atomic revolution he made Ghauri the bomb and after some years he brought the youth with him for the revolution try to read between the line what exactly i have portrayed.
Thank you
Maryam nida siddiqui.

Anonymous Says:
February 1, 2011 at 9:49 AM

Like I said , you did not get my point!
About the name thing, ma'am with all due respect i was like pointing out towards the starting letters being small and not capitals!
Mind you!
See no evil!
3 4
Salman Ur Rehman Siddiqui
Author Karachi Metblogs(

maryam Says:
February 1, 2011 at 9:57 AM

um got u now my bad.
And thanks for your words sir, if u find any thing wrong in my blog do tell me i'll be correcting it soon.
Maryam Nida Siddiqui

Kiran Ashraf Says:
February 2, 2011 at 11:26 AM

Loved it Pakistan Zindabad

maryam Says:
February 2, 2011 at 11:53 AM

:D Pakistan <3

Anonymous Says:
February 3, 2011 at 10:44 AM

Will be visiting your blog oftentimes.
Methinks you need more work done on expressing the whole idea. Subscribe to Pakistani bloggers. I can mention names if you want. other than that pick any style of writing and stick to it. Your post has info but its scattered. Like at the end of the 2nd para and starting of the third para. If you were continuing to talk about than no need to shift paragraphs!

View these for better understanding!

ana fan of chang Says:
March 21, 2011 at 12:05 PM

nice effort

maryam Says:
May 12, 2011 at 11:25 AM

Thanc Ana fan of chang

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